Sports injuries that you need to take seriously!

People lead very busy lives these days which is why they seldom find time for themselves that they can use to remain fit which is why it is common for people to start taking up sports as their leisure activity.

In this context, it is best to keep in mind that sports often can injure you and you should not take sports injuries lightly.

Here are some sports injuries that need immediate attention from a specialist in case you have sustained them –

Shoulder injury

The cartilage surrounding your shoulder’s socket can sustain damage if you often spend a lot of time in the cricket field or at the swimming club.

You can also hurt your shoulder in a manner that results in its instability – a direct result of injuries sustained to your shoulder during a football or hockey match. You can also hurt the rotator cuff of your shoulder if you are an ardent fan of intense sports activities like tennis.

Whatever your case may be, if you feel discomfort or chronic pain in your shoulders then you need to consult with a sports surgeon as soon as you can.

Hip injury

You can hurt your hip if you overuse it while playing cricket, or while participating in strenuous sports activities like competitive cycling or swimming.

Overusing your hips can lead to the detachment or rupture of the ligament as well as muscles in your hip from your hip bone. The result will be partial immobility and excruciating pain. Physiotherapy or surgery could be a way out. Consult with a sports surgeon for the best results.

Sprained ankle, knee or wrist

It is time to seek help from the best orthopaedic doctor in Andheri if you have sustained a sprained ankle, knee or wrist. Sprains are common occurrences when ligaments or joints are subjected to more stress than they are biologically designed to.

Often you might think that a sprained ankle, wrist or knee will ‘heal’ on their own and FYI, that is not the case. You need to use a brace on the sprained area and consult with a sports injury specialist for complete recovery.

Elbow injury

A renowned orthopaedic doctor in Andheri is often consulted by many residents in and around Andheri who are avid tennis players. Tennis players often suffer from tennis elbow – a medical condition that results when the tendons and muscles in the forearm of a person got damaged due to overuse.

This condition needs to be treated by a specialist. If a specialist is not consulted then the condition can lead to nerve damage and muscle weakness.

Seek help from a sports injury specialist and follow their instructions diligently. You can also try using ice packs in the affected areas of your elbow to ease the pain. You can also keep the affected elbow within an elbow strap while you are at it. You need to stop playing tennis for a while and partake in physical therapy – for the best results.

Kneecap dislocation

In case you are a resident in Andheri and you have suffered from patella dislocation – or better known as kneecap dislocation during a football game then you need to seek help from an orthopedic doctor in Andheri right away.

Fail to seek medical attention from a professional and you may end up with excruciating pain in your knee that will temporary render you immobile as you will not be able to walk without screaming in pain!


It is an extremely bad idea if you choose to take the sports injuries you have sustained during a game lightly. Down the road, they can manifest as serious medical conditions that will ultimately make your life a misery! Consult with a sports injury specialist or surgeon today for the best results.

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