Common sports injuries that you need to know about!

People these days have started taking up sports as one of their leisure activities apart from strict workout regimes in a bid to stay fit and reduce their chances of getting diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases.

With that stated, it is also best to keep in mind that sports activities often come with their fair share of downsides such as sports injuries. Several types of sports injuries can range from mild to even life-threatening ones.

The top sports injuries are briefly explained in the sections below –

ACL Tear

You can tear your ACL if you are an ardent fan of tennis or football.

ACL stands for Anterior Cruciate Ligament and it is the connective tissue that is the point of contact between your shin and thighbone.

According to one of the best orthopaedic doctor in Juhu area, if you suffered this injury then you will suffer from symptoms like chronic pain, instability while you walk and a swollen knee! Treatment for this injury could include surgery or physiotherapy.

Knee Ligament Tear

Your knee can become unstable if you tear its ligaments while playing intense sports like football. Football matches often lead to this injury as you often need to make sudden pivot turns. The treatment for this sports injury is often surgery as it leads to the desired results and complete restoration of the knee’s functionality.

Hip Injuries

You would also need to consult with an orthopaedic doctor in Juhu or in neighbouring areas if you recently suffered from an injury to your hip. Hip injuries are common occurrences in sports activities like competitive cycling, competitive swimming and cricket.

Overusing your hip could lead to this injury where the ligaments and muscles are completely or partially torn away from your hip bone. Sounds frightening – granted, but the consequences could be severe if you do not consult with a sports surgeon as soon as possible after a hip injury!

Ankle injuries

You can also injure your ankle during intense sports activities like football especially when you are playing on uneven ground that leads to situations where your ankle is forced to maintain unnatural positions!

Hand ligament injuries

Tennis players often suffer from hand ligament injuries especially if they have been doing this for a while. Overuse of your playing hand or overstretching your hand can lead to this injury where the ligament connecting the bones in your hand to its muscles suffers excessive strain.

Thumb injuries

Wicketkeepers and goalkeepers often suffer injuries to their thumbs during practice as well as competitive matches. If a cricket or a football hits your thumb directly then your thumbs can either suffer fractures in its bones or you can suffer from Ulnar Collateral Ligament tear. In either case, you need to seek medical assistance that specialises in medically mitigating sports injuries.

Shoulder Injury

Shoulder injuries are also often treated by a renowned orthopedic doctor in Juhu and they could be anywhere between –

  • Stress fractures
  • Muscle or ligament tears and
  • Dislocated shoulder joints

Most patients who suffer from shoulder injuries are ardent fans of sports activities like tennis. Hence, if you too are a fan of the sports activities mentioned here and have suffered injuries to your shoulder then you need to seek help from a revered sports surgeon as soon as you can.


Sports injuries should not be taken lightly and in case you have sustained any of the aforementioned injuries recently then make sure you are seeking medical assistance from a surgeon who specialises in treating sports injuries. Fail to do that and you might be looking at chronic medical conditions in your future and in worst cases, complete to partial loss of mobility! Get in touch with a sports injury specialist today for more details.

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